Wednesday 30 March 2016

Fotu's ladybird was black and yellow.

Fotu has a little visitor - A ladybird

This little ladybird came to say hello. It was so tiny. Fotu was very gentle with it. The ladybird was walking over Fotu's hand. We had fun watching it.

Frame ready to go, made by Lance Ceezar

My material Name Plate. Made by me, Huiya.

I had to squeeze out the paint from the tube. Some of the tubes were hard to get the paint out.

My material Name Plate. Made by me, Viliami.

I used different colours to go over my name.

My material Name Plate. Made by me, Sautia!

I used the hammer and nails to make a frame for my name. Miss Mary helped me staple on the material.

My material Name Plate. Made by me, Tuku

We do lots of fun things at flying fives. I love my name plate.

My material Name Plate. Made by me, Fotu!

We used lots of colours. We had to follow the lines with the paint over our name. I love my name plate. It looks cool.

My material Name Plate. Made by me, Fala.

Miss Mary and Miss Donna helped me frame my name. I love my name. Ms Taylor thought my name plate looked fantastic. It was fun squeezing out the paint.

Monday 21 March 2016

Kahu bounces the ball for basketball.

Basketball is fun with friends.

We were learning to take turns today.It was fun playing basketball on the courts this afternoon.  We chased our friends with the ball.

Josh uses material paint to write his name.

This is Joshua's first day at Flying Fives. He is 5 years old.

Water play - Paul and Kahu

We are making boats move with the water.  Pouring the water down the tube makes the boats float. Paul and Kahu enjoy water play time together.

Woodwork - Sword making with Fotu

I used lots of nails to make sure the handle wouldn't move. I am wearing safety glasses.

Mckenzy builds a sword.

First I need 2 pieces of wood.
I bang the nail in with the hammer.
I have to hit it hard.

Drawing is fun with friends.

Mahdiya is drawing a house.
Mckenzy is drawing her friends.
Akifa is drawing her family.
Fotu is drawing  what he likes and what he does not like.
Fala is drawing broken teeth. Because  her tooth came out.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Tuku and Fala

We are cowboy girls.


Fotu is playing with the puppets he is a prince.


I have built a house a big house.


I am playing with the animals.
There is a lot of animals.
They are in the farm.
There are 7 sheep.


Sautia painted some beautiful pictures.

Hui Ya

Hui Ya is going to a party.

Kahu and Fotu

I am spiderman and I am batman . Spiderman is my friend we are strong.


I am making spaghetti.


I was not ready before i did not have my tiara or shoes.

The Wedding

We are ready to go to the wedding.

The Wedding

Mrs Donna is helping us dress for the wedding.


We are building a big tower.


I am a police man and fireman.


I am playing with the toys, they are fighting.

Xin Yang and Akifa

I was in the kitchen to make some salad eggs.