Thursday 21 May 2015

Term 2 Flying Fives

We have been busy in Room 10. Here are some of the things that we have been busy doing and making in Room 10. We have been making animals that we saw at the zoo as well as creating an underwater world. When we are in Room 10 we show respect in lots of ways. We have to manage ourselves and put things away after we use them. Hanging up costumes was tricky for us at first but we are much better at doing that now. There is a lot of talking and sharing as we play.

Monday 4 May 2015

Life Size Collage of the Flying Fives. Can you find your friends on this page?

Painting and Making Jellyfish

We are going to have our very own ocean. We are making fish and Jellyfish so they can swim in our ocean. We are thinking about living things and what they need. We need to look after living things.

All About Me - Collage

Look who is hanging around in Room 10. Do you know who these people are? They might be someone from Room 4 or from Room 3. Come and look to see if you can find any of your friends.

Creating and Drawing is Fun in Room 10 By Mihi

Today Miss Mary helped me make a fish. First we painted paper plates. My fish has lots of different colours. The drawing table is another place that I like to go. I drew a treehouse. My treehouse is a special place.

Checking Joshua's Heart - Dr Shinaye

Shinaye is the doctor. She is checking to see if Joshua's heart is ok. Shinaye said Joshua has a good heart.

Making My Fish - Taua

I am making a fish. My fish has lots of colours. We are going to make an ocean filled with living creatures.

Princess Paris

Today was my first day going to Flying Fives. I dressed up as a Princess. Mrs Gina helped me get dressed. I picked some pretty flowers to give to my friend.

Abdurraaziq- Batman

This is my favourite costume. I like to dress up as Batman. Batman helps fight bad people.

Sasuke - Today I am a Policeman

I am dressed up as a Policeman. It is a Policeman's job to help people. I was a good help in the classroom today.

Aliqwa - Life Size Collage of ME

I had to lie down and Miss Mary traced around my body. I used different materials to put clothes and hair onto the shape of myself. I look great hanging up in Room 10. This is where I am on a Monday and a Thursday afternoon.